Izindaba Zezimboni
Ukukhetha okungcono kakhulu okusindayo kwe-torque hose clamps
When it comes to securing hoses and pipes in a variety of industrial and automotive applications, heavy-duty constant torque hose clamps are critical to providing reliable and secure connections. Lawa ama-clamp aklanyelwe ukubekezelela izingcindezi eziphakeme namazinga okushisa, MA ...Funda kabanzi -
Ukuqonda izinzuzo ze-V Band Clamps for Systems
Ukukhethwa kweCimp kudlala indima ebalulekile ekuqinisekiseni ukusebenza kahle kanye nokwethenjwa kohlelo lwakho lokuphelelwa amandla. Izinketho ezimbili ezithandwayo zokuthola izingxenye ezingekho emthethweni zingama-v-Belt clamps kanye nama-strap strap. Zombili lezi zinhlobo zinikela ngezinzuzo ezihlukile ukuze zihlangabezane nezidingo ezithile nezintandokazi ....Funda kabanzi -
Ukubaluleka kwe-heater hose entwasahlobo ama-spring ama-spring ezimotweni
When it comes to vehicle maintenance and upkeep, there are many parts that need to be inspected and replaced regularly to ensure optimal performance. I-heater hose hose spring clamp yingxenye evame ukunganakwa okudlala indima ebalulekile ekusebenzeni kohlelo lokushisa lwemoto yakho. Hea ...Funda kabanzi -
Ukuguquguquka okuhlukahlukene kwe-American Type Horse Clamps
Uma kukhulunywa ngokuthola ama-hoses ezinhlobonhlobo zezicelo, ama-hose clamps ukukhetha okuthandwayo ngenxa yokusebenza kwawo kanye nokuthembekile. Lawa ama-clamp asetshenziswa kabanzi ezindaweni zezimoto, zezimboni kanye nasekhaya ukuhlinzeka nge-seal ephephile, eqinile kuma-hoses aboluya bonke. Kule bhulogi, sizo ...Funda kabanzi -
Izindaba Zemakethe
Ngokuthuthuka okuqhubekayo kwempilo yethu yanamuhla, ngomqondo othile, izindinganiso zethu zokuphila zithathe ukugxuma okulungile. This is not only the result of the continuous efforts of our Chinese people, but also the result of the continuous efforts of our science and technology. Ngakho-ke, sehlukile ...Funda kabanzi -
Izindaba zebhizinisi
With the development at domestic and abroad, the common types of hose clamps in foreign markets are now saturated, and the consumption of hose clamps is very large, especially the common types. Kodwa-ke, ngokuthuthukiswa kobuchwepheshe, ikakhulukazi eminyakeni emibili edlule, imakethe yasekhaya inalo ...Funda kabanzi